Healthy Hair Diet & Nutrition

When it comes to healthy hair it is not just what you put on your tresses that count, but what you you put into your body as well.

The foods you eat are replicated not only by your body but also by the health of your hair. Similar to the body, your hair needs a balanced, nutritious diet to stay healthy. Eating moderate amounts of fruits and vegetables loaded with antioxidants along with other supplements are essential to getting and maintaining healthy beautiful hair.

Your hair, skin, and even nails growth are based on the foundational nutrients that you eat. If you eat a healthy diet, you will grow stronger and healthier cells throughout your entire body inside and out. For the most luxurious locks possible, you will need to go from the bathroom to the kitchen.

Below is a list of foods you should be incorporating (if not already) in your daily eating regimen to help attain and maintain gorgeous tresses. The best part about foods that promote hair growth is that they come in a wide variety, many of the items below can be found in one or more types of food which makes adapting to them much easier.



Hair is made up of proteins, therefore protein-rich foods should make up a high percentage of your diet. Most people get more than enough protein in their diet alone and do not need to supplement. Only strict vegetarians should supplement protein in their diet. Proteins are found in fish, meats (pork, beef, chicken), cheese, eggs, nuts and milk.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A can be supplied in the diet by eating many different things from fruits to vegetables to even dairy. Vitamin A provides for an overall normal growth in the body and can be found in foods such as apricots, oranges, & peaches; broccoli, cabbage, & spinach; milk, cheese, & eggs; other things include liver, as well as fish liver oil. A word of CAUTION is that excessive intake of Vitamin A can cause hair loss.

B Vitamins

There are many

B vitamins and ALL are essential to hair health, because each one serves a different purpose. Foods rich in B vitamins are found in dark green leafy veggies, fruits and grains such as bananas & berries, grains like wheat germ, oatmeal & whole wheat and leafy veggies like arugula, chicory, kale & spinach also collard greens.

Vitmin C

Vitamin C foods include citrus-rich like items such as cantaloupe, kiwi, strawberries, pineapples, grapefruit and oranges. Green veggies like peppers and broccoli all contain high amounts of vitamin C in them.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has been quickly adapted to the list as one that helps with hair growth by aiding in hair loss. One way to naturally get vitamin D is from the sun, it can also be consumed by foods from oily fish such as salmon and sardines, eggs, milk and fortified fat spreads all include vitamin D.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E foods are consumed through green-leafy vegetables, avocados, nuts, grains & seeds, vegetable oils and olive oil.



Metal copper controls hair growth and hair loss, and is included in many foods you find at the grocery store. Farmers use it to spray vegetables and grains to prevent fungus and algae growth, it's also added to animals diets which remains in their flesh. Copper foods are found in Liver, shellfish, nuts, dry beans, oats, raisins, & drinking water .


Iodine is extremely important when it comes to stopping hair loss and your regular iodized table salt IS NOT the way to go when it comes to iodine. Proper iodine comes from foods like kelp, yogurt (low fat), cow’s milk, eggs, cheese, strawberries, soy beans & shellfish.


Iron is a mineral commonly deficient by many women especially while menstruating or pregnant. These foods should help to boost iron level to aid in overall physical wellness and hair growth. Red meats, liver, oysters, tuna, dried beans, soybeans, veggies, eggs, nuts & raisins.


Manganese is essential for people with iron deficiency (anemia) and has been linked to male and female hair growth. It is advisable to take multi-minerals that include manganese in it other wise the other mineral supplements can lead to manganese deficiencies. Foods such as avocados, nuts, seeds, seaweed, grains & avocados. Eggs, leafy greens, dried peas and pineapples all contain manganese in them.


Since hair is primarily composed of proteins, selenium aids in using up proteins consumed by the body. When the body is able to process the proteins better hair growth follows. Foods with selenium include brown rice, seafood, meat, yeast, broccoli, onions, tomatoes & corn oil.


Zinc is necessary for healthy hair growth but, too much of it can actually block exertion of other minerals so be wise when adding zinc to your diet regimen. Food sources for zinc include Shellfish, liver, poultry, nuts, egg yokes, lamb, veggies, lima beans, chickpeas, almonds and raw cashews. Zinc also helps to keep your scalp oily and avoid dandruff.

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